You don't have to spend a fortune to add some twinkle to your beautiful garden. Instead, some small adjustments and a few basic ideas can work wonders. For instance, spot lights aim to add a bit of drama with their subtle accents. Where do you start though? There are plenty of choices out there, but first, make sure you can tell the difference between one type and another. So, what is the main purpose of these lights?
Accent Spot Lights
Accent spot lights underline an inviting shade for your landscape. They mark certain elements and turn them into focal points. For example, you can use them to draw some attention to a nice rock, a fountain, a flower bed or maybe a pool. They're small and can usually go for more nights on just a single charge. Most specialists recommend using more small lights, rather than a big one.
Path Spot Lights
Path spot lights are self explanatory – they mark a path. They usually go along the path, so you will need more than one. Use them for driveways or walkways, yet make sure they are not in the way. You don't want to trip on them or run them over with your car. The darker the walk, the more efficient these lights become. Overall, they are both useful and beautiful.
Task Spot Lights
Finally, task spot lights represent the brightest group in this range. They are also the priciest choices. Not only they provide light, but they actually direct beams of light to your target. Given their sophistication, they're obviously quite reliable too, so they can be mounted in numerous ways. Everything is adjustable – from the actual direction to the power of light. Sometimes, the solar panel is mounted separately and away from the actual spot lights.
In the end, it's not hard to figure what you need. Check your garden and set up a proper plan before making a decision.